National Processing Blog

Business-booming sales insights for business owners.


COVID-19 Payment Processing Alternatives – Save Capital by Offering Cash Discount

4 Top Square Alternatives for Small Businesses

Square is a popular payment processor, and it enables a lot of small businesses to accept a variety of payment options. But Square isn’t the only payment processor catering to small businesses – there are many available.

What Other Merchant Processors Won’t Tell You About Cash Discounts

merchant processing service facilitates credit card and debit card transactions. These companies make their money with processing fees, so they want businesses to encourage the convenience of credit card usage.

ACH Processing: Cheap, Simple, and Green As Can Be

ACH Payment Processing – Secure, Easy, Convenient

ACH – Advantages of the Automated Clearing House

PCI Compliance – Why Merchants Need To Be Concerned About It

The open global forum that promotes the ongoing development, dissemination, enhancement, implementation, and storage of account data protection security standards is the PCI Security Standards Council.

Setting Up A Merchant Account with National Processing

Square is a popular payment processor, and it enables a lot of small businesses to accept a variety of payment options. But Square isn’t the only payment processor catering to small businesses – there are many available.
merchant processing service facilitates credit card and debit card transactions. These companies make their money with processing fees, so they want businesses to encourage the convenience of credit card usage.
The open global forum that promotes the ongoing development, dissemination, enhancement, implementation, and storage of account data protection security standards is the PCI Security Standards Council.


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If we can't beat your current rates, we'll give you $500!*

We happily accept merchants processing any amount. Price guarantee for merchants processing $10,000 or more per month. Free terminals and other promotions depend on processing volume, credit and qualifications.

Customer focused

If we can't beat your current rates, we'll give you $500!*

We happily accept merchants processing any amount. Price guarantee for merchants processing $10,000 or more per month. Free terminals and other promotions depend on processing volume, credit and qualifications.